Meghan Markle’s Unexpected Response To King Charles One Request From Her Before His Death


Despite the drama between Markle and members of the royal family, the Duchess of Sussex still wants her kids to have a relationship with their grandfather.


Meghan Markle's Unexpected Response To King Charles One Request From Her Before His Death

While Meghan Markle’s marriage into the royal family created a domino effect of drama and royal family gossip, a source recently stated that Markle is eager for her kids, Archie and Lilibet, to have a relationship with their grandfather, King Charles. “Meghan doesn’t want any more rifts,” the source said. “She wants her children to know their grandfather, Charles, particularly when they are not going to know their other grandfather.”


Meghan Markle's Unexpected Response To King Charles One Request From Her Before His Death

Markle has long since been estranged from her father, Thomas Markle. However, palace insiders have stated that Charles does display an interest in being in Archie and Lilibet’s lives. “Both of my parents do Zoom,” Harry said in 2021. “They’ve seen Archie running around.”


Meghan Markle's Unexpected Response To King Charles One Request From Her Before His Death

Why isn’t Markle attending the coronation?

It’s been reported that while Prince Harry will be in attendance at his father’s royal coronation, Markle will not. Instead, she’ll be staying at their estate in California, celebrating Archie’s birthday, which just so happens to be on coronation day. The source went on to state that Markle’s decision not to attend was in hopes of preventing any more drama. “She just really doesn’t want a song and dance and everything being lived out in the public eye.” Markle has since been keeping a low profile.


Meghan Markle's Unexpected Response To King Charles One Request From Her Before His Death

Harry and his family

Multiple royal insiders have confirmed that Harry and his older brother Prince William are still not speaking.

However, despite all that has happened it’s been reported that Charles hopes to stay close to Harry.

“There is now, more than ever, a willingness to try and have a relationship,” an insider said.

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