Royal family

Royal Rumors: Tension and Uncertainty in the British Monarchy


The British royalty continues to be the focus of news in the world. Since the king Carlos III and the Princess of Wales reported, weeks apart, that they were suffering from cancer and had to undergo chemotherapy treatment, there has been an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty in the most famous monarchy in the world.


Royal Rumors: Tension and Uncertainty in the British Monarchy
Rose Hanbury and Princess Kate

It has been speculated that Charles III, who has reduced his participation in royal events, would be more seriously ill than official reports have said. Likewise, and with the recent communication about Kate Middleton and her postponement of returning to public life, it is rumored that the Princess of Wales, wife of William, future British king, may also not be in such good health.


Royal Rumors: Tension and Uncertainty in the British Monarchy

In any case, the activities continue and therefore, it also emerged that while Kate recovers, it would be Beatrice of York, daughter of Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew, who will attend certain royal events.

This is how Rose Hanbury, alleged lover of the future King William, was seen


Royal Rumors: Tension and Uncertainty in the British Monarchy

However, this week a situation occurred that generated alert and jealousy among the British and attracted the attention of several media outlets. This is the reappearance of Rose Hanbury, 40 years old, and noted for years of being Prince William’s alleged lover. The Marchioness of Cholmondeley attended the closing event of the Badminton Horse Trials. What generated the greatest suspicion was her closeness to the current queen, Camila Parker, 76, and that she was wearing a hat that had already been seen on the head of the Princess of Wales.


Royal Rumors: Tension and Uncertainty in the British Monarchy

You can also read: Kate Middleton will not return to work due to health. There is already a replacement for the Princess of Wales. The most daring claim that Rose would be working on what would be a kind of usurpation of Kate’s place and would have the support and advice of Camila. Although it was a very brief meeting, they were seen chatting animatedly. It has been suggested that they could also meet privately.


Royal Rumors: Tension and Uncertainty in the British Monarchy

It should be mentioned that Hanbury had not been caught on camera since last March. At that moment and surrounded by rumors about an affair with the prince, she decided for the first and only time to come out and deny such a relationship. Even so, the rumors did not diminish. Let us remember that these speculations date back to 2019. You could read: The king’s cancer would be getting worse. “He feels very bad”

Prince William’s alleged mistress wore Kate Middleton’s hat


Royal Rumors: Tension and Uncertainty in the British Monarchy

Returning to the meeting of the queen and the marchioness, their closeness has been analyzed by royalty experts from several tabloids who fear that Rose will follow in Camila’s footsteps. This means that, in case Kate is not there when William assumes the throne, she will be the one who becomes British queen. “It could be a clear strategy to usurp Kate,” reads one of them. A matter that does not go down well, since as was the case with Lady Di, Kate is revered by her people. In fact, she is the most popular member of the royal family.

Others do not believe that the matter reaches reign, however, while Kate is out of the picture, the Marchioness can participate and attend events as part of royalty, this naturally with William’s endorsement. Rose Hanbury would be taking advantage of being seen more and more. Rose’s critics do not overlook the fact that at the most recent event she wore a hat from the Lock Hatters brand that had already been seen on the Princess of Wales before. From ‘The List’ they point out that “Hanbury’s hat also struck a chord, as it looked identical to a hat previously worn by Kate.” Here more news that is trending in entertainment

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